
We encourage our residents to do just about anything they would have enjoyed at home, and if they are willing, maybe a little more

Many of our residents find they can rekindle old hobbies and interests and we give everyone a chance to make suggestions on anything from menus to entertainment and outings. We always try to ensure that there is always something of interest going on within The Lindens, including gardening, board games, outings or simply sharing memories.

Just how involved our residents wish to be is entirely up to them, and for those who prefer, it is easy to find a quiet spot to read a good book from our library, listen to music, or simply relax in the garden. We also have an iPad available for anyone wishing to use the internet

Example Activities

Dominoes & Board Games

We have a comprehensive range of board games, playing cards, dominoes etc. to pass the long winter evenings

Trips Out

On occasions we take residents out for the day to places like Blackpool

Reading & Music

For quieter contemplation, residents can borrow our MP3 player to listen to music, or read a book borrowed from our own or the visiting library.

Hobbies & Pastimes

Residents are encouraged to continue hobbies and pastimes which they previously undertook at home or engage with new ones. These could include gardening, knitting etc.